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IT-visa for foreign citizens

IT-visa is issued upon the recommendation of IT-park to the following categories of foreign citizens:

  • investors in the field of information technology
  • founders of an IT-park resident company
  • IT specialists hired by an IT-park resident company

Recommendation of IT-park for a visa to foreign citizens is issued in the form of an IT-card.

A multiple-entry IT-visa is issued for a period of up to 3 years, with the possibility of extending it without the need to leave the territory of Uzbekistan.

A foreign citizen visiting Uzbekistan has to ensure temporary registration at the place of stay within a period not exceeding 3 days. The violation of the requirement on temporary registration entails a fine or deportation from Uzbekistan.

Applying for an IT-visa

To obtain an IT-visa, a foreign person submits an application at The application has to be accompanied by a copy of a national passport and other documents depending on the category of the foreign person.

An IT specialist needs to submit a document confirming annual income for the last 12 months in the amount of at least 30 thousand US dollars.

A foreign investor must provide information about an investment project valued for at least 10 thousand US dollars in Uzbekistan and a bank statement confirming the availability of the required funds for investment.

The foreign founder of an IT-park resident company needs to submit a copy of the residency certificate of the company.

The consideration time for IT-visa recommendation is about 20 business days.

Based on the recommendation from IT-park, an IT-visa will be issued by consulates of Uzbekistan abroad or by territorial internal affairs offices in Uzbekistan at the place of temporary residence of a foreign person. Family members (spouse, parents, children) will be issued a guest visa.

Additional benefits of IT-visa

A foreign citizen with an IT-visa, as well as members of the family, are entitled to receive education and medical services on the same conditions as for citizens of Uzbekistan.

A foreign person who has an IT-visa has the right to purchase real estate of any value on the territory of Uzbekistan without the need to obtain a residence permit. A real estate purchase transaction is subject to notarization.