Free economic zones
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Tax incentives in free economic zones

Participant of a free economic zone enjoys the exemption from property tax, land tax and special water use tax for a period depending on the volume of investment, as given below:

  • for a period of 3 years, if the investment ranges between USD 300,000 to USD 3,000,000
  • for a period of 5 years, if the investment ranges between USD 3,000,000 to USD 5,000,000
  • for a period of 7 years, if the investment ranges between USD 5,000,000 to USD 10,000,000
  • for a period of 10 years, if the investment exceeds USD 10,000,000

Participant of a free economic zone is entitled to apply the same norms and regulations related to taxation for the period of 10 years starting the date of acquiring the status of a free economic zone participant.

Participant of a free economic zone has the right to make use of generally applicable tax incentives. See our article on tax incentives.